The timeline
Nuntorp will be the new seat for Lantmannaskola and Lanthushållsskola
From Färgelanda Folkhögskola, in 1943, a Rural School moved to Nuntorp. The first winter course at Lantmannaskolan started on 8th November 1943 and the big advantage over the education at Färgelanda Folkhögskola was that it went from being only theoretical to being broadened to include practical education through own land and own animal husbandry. The director of the integrated agricultural education in Färgelanda, agronomist Samuel Bengtsson, came with him to Nuntorp and became the first principal of the new agricultural school.
November, 1943
November, 1943
Agronomist Samuel (Sam) Bengtsson
Principal of Lantmannaskolan 1943-1950
Sam Bengtsson –
a highly regarded principal…
During his time at Nuntorp, Samuel (Sam) Bengtsson was a highly valued principal and was perceived as a very good teacher and caring fellow human being. He had a great interest in geology and was convinced that the earth's temperature would be 9 degrees before starting spring farming.
November, 1943
November, 1943
The principal couple Bengtsson laid the foundations...
Dagny Bengtssons, wife of Samuel Bengtsson, was the first headmaster of Lanthushållsskolan, so the Bengtsson family were in every way the pioneers of Nuntorp as a place of education. The rural school's first course began in May 1944 with ten students and ended in October of the same year. During the same month, October, the winter course began, which lasted until April of the following year, and so it continued until 1971. Over the years, other courses and trainings were also carried out, such as summer courses for school youth.
Dagny Bengtsson
Principal of Lanthushållsskolan 1944-1964
May, 1944
May, 1944
Twenty years with only winter courses
The Lantmannaskola at Nuntorp was during its first 20 years, until 1963, only a school for winter courses, while in the years until 1971 the Lanthushållsskolan had both winter and summer courses.
Proud inauguration of the school
On September 5, 1944, the school was inaugurated in the presence of the county's governor, the entire county council and prominent guests from government offices in Stockholm.
September 5, 1944
Sune Engström
Principal of Lantmannaskolan 1951-1974
Debate at Nuntorp
A famous or even infamous debate was held at Nuntorp between the well-known priest Grände from Tvååker in Varberg and the young debater and writer Per Olof Ekström. Grände was very critical of the less sympathetic picture of priests and the priesthood that Per Olof Ekström portrayed in his book "Sommardansen". The hall was packed – it was a big event that was discussed for a long time afterwards. Even the major morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter was present during the debate.
May, 1952
The 50s and beyond…
The school at Nuntorp is growing
Under Sune Engström's leadership, Lantmannaskolan grew - in the 1950s additional residences were built and the machine hall was expanded and a chicken and pig house was built.
In the coming years after that, more arable land was also bought in, buildings were extended and new ones were built.
The Lanthushållsskolan in its own premises
During 1962, the Lanthushållsskolan moved into its own premises at Nuntorp. Until then, they had shared premises with Lantmannaskolan.
Britta Holm
Principal of the Lanthushållsskolan 1965-1976
The high school changed the semesters
When Nuntorpskolan became a high school in 1971, the reading terms changed from summer and winter to autumn and spring.